The reform of the retirement pension under laws 27/2011 and 3/2012: progress towards a new model
RIO 8 Trabajo, crisis económica y reformas laborales
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Social Security system
early retirement
work-retirement pension compatibility
collective bargaining

How to Cite

Gala Durán, C. (2013). The reform of the retirement pension under laws 27/2011 and 3/2012: progress towards a new model. International Journal of Organizations, (8), 87–120.


One of the consequences of the severe economic crisis in which we are immersed has been far-reaching reform of the retirement pension, brought about by Law 27/2011, 1 August, on the updating, adaptation and modernization of the Social Security system, and Law 3/2012, 6 July, which introduced urgent measures for the reform of the labour market. This reform has had a considerable effect - and largely negative from the workers' point of view - on nearly all the key components of the retirement pension: the standard retirement age, the calculation of the regulatory base and the percentage that is applied. Likewise, the reform has introduced new measures that lengthen the working life of workers - the clauses on mandatory retirement have been removed from collective bargaining - and incorporated the socalled sustainability factor, which in fact links the essential parameters of the retirement pension to principally economic requirements. All this is a move towards a new model of variable retirement that is clearly less protective of its beneficiaries.
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